
Invictus the Book

Invictus by Ryan Graudin

I spotted this book when I was at the library with my kids. More specifically in the teen section of the library, because my kids are teens. They say you cannot judge a book by the cover, but I must admit that I am often guilty of doing just that. The spine of the book caught my attention, then the title of the book. What really got me was the description. Invictus is a time travel story. I am not sure why, but time travel intrigues me. Maybe because I know it is not possible, so this creates the ‘what if’ factor. With the ‘what if’ factor you can let your imagination run wild. Sometimes the ‘what if’ story works and sometimes it doesn’t. I think it worked this time. This time, get it? I wanted a light, fun read and that is what I found in Invictus. The story reminded me of a couple of different time travel stories and also the TV series, DR. Who, but it also had some original ideas…at least they were original to me, as I am not an expert in time travel. The characters were well thought out and believable. Faraway known as Far was born out of time. He is joined by family and friends who start out as time bandits, but later work together to fix time. This book would make a good movie, in fact, as I read it I could see a movie playing in my head. I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others, both teens and adults.